a small town in Southern Lithuania
Where the Jewish Community is no more
This site was created by Ralph Salinger
of Kibbutz Kfar Ruppin. Israel
Visiting Vilkaviskis

Siemenkis Family
My father (Oseris Simenskis) and mother(Lina Kravetskate) left Wilkaviskis for Paris in the middle 1920's. As far as I know, brothers and sisters of my parents had  left Wilkaviskis after WW I, most of them to America., and no known relatives lived in Wilkaviskis after the death of my mother parents in late 30's. Unfortunately ,I have no information about my parents ancestors. My father died in 1937 and my mother was deported and killed at Auschwitz in September 1942. Most family documents and photos were lost during WW II.
A  picture of my parents wedding in Paris on 31 may 1925. It's a photocopy received by my brother(30 years ago) from cousins living in US.
This is probably a yiddish wedding
A copy of the official civilian wedding done in Fontenay-sous-bois(suburb of Paris) on 27 September 1927
It states the name of my father :Oseris Simenskis, brushmaker, son of Michelis Simenskis(deceased)and Beile Novepolskaite,widow, living in Vilkaviskis and the name of my mother :Lina Kraveckaite, daughter of Jakubas Kraveckis and Reiza Dimankaite both living in Vilkaviskis
The witnesses were : Samuel Szmitkowski, tradesman and Chlaunas Vaksman, brushmaker
 To see the pictures of Jacque's 2005 trip to Vilkaviskis
Click here